Sunday, September 4, 2011

Lama gilak

Lama gila aku tak update blog...

Then after some facebook's commenting with Zaid and Sophia, the spirit of blogging suddenly revives back. 

Okaay. The main reason why I stopped blogging because of malas lah. Tu konfirm memang punya. After stepping into KMB life changed eventho not upside down but still there are works, works and workss..

*masuk lagi klub bebanyakk. kan dah penat*

Ok memang penat gilaaa. Especially time ramadhan where I need to settle about the bazaar thing everyday before bukak puasaa. Fuuh. Time tuh memang lah. Mandi lambat. Makan lambat. Lepas solat maghrib balik bilik tidorr. Then imam dah abis solat terawih 4 rakaat baru terhegeh2 nak bangun baru nak mandi. 

Haaaih. akhirnya abis pon zaman itu. Lega rasanye.

so with that i conclude