Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Letter of joy

Finally all the form 5 students batch 2010 knew their result yesterday..
And for me, Im really grateful to Allah for helping me what im hoping for.

I dont think I have to announced my results on the public blog. So if u want to know it, just leave a message. Nanti orang cakap bajet pulak kan. huhuhu

So, first of all...
I would like to praised to Allah for giving me what Im hoping for. I know Ill never get it if He dont want me to get it. Eventhough I studied 24/7, but if Allah already said it, then thats my result.

Secondly, to my family of course.
Although im far away from home, they always give me courage, praying for me, advice me. Especially my mother who is really care about me. Huhuhu. My dad who willingly to send me from Melaka to kuala kangsar which is not just 1 hour driving but 5 hours! My brother who always said positive words to me.

Teachers of mine.
Kalau nak listkan banyak nama cikgu tuh. DAri aku tak pandai mengira, menulis sampailah dah pandai Algebra, Theory2 physics yang aku pun tak sure kesahihannya. Dorang mengajar ku tanpa kenal erti susah payah, wang ringgit bukan menjadi penyebab, anak keluarga ditinggalkan di rumah, membanting tulang 4 kerat semata-mata untuk mendidik insan bernama pelajar! *ayat syahdu*

Not to forget to Ili~
She always tell me to study. Nagging me bla bla bla.. huhuhu. But all everything she did, lead me to my dream become true. Cared for me and so much. Goodluck in ur spm this year k. Nanti klu result best, boleh pegi oversea same2 =0
If i want to say about her, many positive characteristic i can talk about. Yelah... But lets make this simple and short kayh. <3

Of course my frens..
Kadang2 korg buat aku pening ngan soalan2 yang aku pun x reti. Aku ingat lagi, aku kene pressure ngan soalan add math. Sorang tanye yang nih, pastu lagi sorang tanye. Suruh selesaikan cepat2. Memang tak bolehlah kan. Tapi soalan2 tuh la yang buat aku realize banyak lagi aku x reti nak buat. huhuhu

And to everyone who support me directly and indirectly. kalau nak cakap ramai sgt. Ni pun buat post pendek jek. Malas panjang2.

p/s: really think my english is worse. No wonder got an only A for it. Aiming for A+. My vocabulary sucks!

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