Tuesday, April 12, 2011

How to become rich? easiest way

I know everyone wants to have a nice life with money is not a problem to us. So, i actually made some research(kononnye) about the earth and gold. So, I made some discoveries and yeah this is wat I found how to be RICH!.

The steps are easy.. U dont need to punch ur head night and day. Tak perlu nak kais pagi makan pagi, kais petang makan petang. ahahaha Tak yah la nak belajar susah, pegi interview sini sana, perah otak nak jawab exam. With me, everything made as easy as A.B.C!

So heres the steps to become super duper rich!

Merchant ur way there~

Hahaha. easy right?
Happy practicing =)


HageNana said...

HAHA ! aku lebih rela belajar :)

tapi idea superbb !

Ihsan said...

boleh dipraktikkan

danish said...

haram jadah ko!the price of gold vary for dffrent country.be smart,dont be a retard.HAHA

tiqasandsbox said...

alaska.ade ke sape nk beli?

AZRI said...

kos kapal terbang mahal yoppp

muhammadHazim said...

ak setuju ngan azri... nk ke negara tu je dh telan duet bayk2...

idea ko leh masuk genius book of world?? kot...

muhammadHazim said...

oops... salah tulis... idea ko boleh masuk genius book of records... kot.. hahah.. =.='