Sunday, May 29, 2011

a long dream~

Yeah, I have dream about owning a DSLR camera for my own.I love photography. Taking picture. Its really a hobby. Challenge ur creativity to snapped from the best angle to get the best shot. But Dslr is so really mahal oh. Tak ada duit nak beli. Menyengkek duit mak ayah ajer lah kan.

Shot at 7 am in the morning. The sun was rising. With my olympus compact camera no anti-shake (bak kate ujer)
I went off for some pics. mode set to pop art. Thats why u see the colour is very burst out shine

Eh ape2 pon. klik sume link di bawah nih.
Konfirm korang hepi punye lah

so last sekali, korang join lah yek

thx. post ni agak annoying sikit.
Ape2 pon. doakan aku dpt dslr


Huda said...

meh aku beli DSLR sbg hadiah birthday kat hang, mau dak?

nurul adila said...

keje, dpt gaji, bli, nkmati kpuasan mmliki brg sndr ngn hasil ttik pluh sndr. hahaha btter than gune duit mak abah an,,,hihi

Anonymous said...

nanti ajar aq camne nak gune tu^^ cam best jew